Welcome back to Blue Wednesday. For any newcomers, please join the fun today. The idea for Blue Wednesday is that I share a favorite song of the blues genre and to ask others to share their favorite blues tunes with me.
Last week we added six songs to the ongoing Blue Wednesday playlist, hearing more great songs from Chris Stapleton, Fats Waller and a legendary version of “Stormy Monday” by Albert King and Stevie Ray Vaughan. Your updated playlist is below:
One last thing before we get to the new music, I’d like to thank those of you who took part in last week’s poll. Most of you opted for Blue Wednesday to continue to arrive in your inbox before heading to Notes, so that’s what we’ll be doing.
This Week
I’ve decided to start a bit of a journey this week, going back to my blues roots. For the next few weeks (no definitive timeline) I will go back and feature some of the songs that either introduced me to the blues or proved influential in my love for the genre.
First up this week is “Pride and Joy” by Stevie Ray Vaughan. There is a reason this man has already shown up numerous times during Blue Wednesday. A strong case could be made that SRV is the single greatest electric guitar talent to ever play the blues and I’m not sure I could make a counter-argument. Along with “Pride and Joy” being an absolute blues classic, it’s one of the songs I first remember hearing on classic rock radio back when my interest in music was budding and it’s remained evergreen in my music listening. “Pride and Joy” was also one of the first songs
and I learned to play in our band and for that reason, I love this song just as much today as I ever have.I’ll dare to share two songs this week. Next up is “A Fool for Your Stockings” by the Texas trio ZZ Top. This may not be the best blues track ever but don’t be a fool, ZZ Top knows the blues. Billy Gibbons was just too cool and the song is too groovy to dismiss. And once again, this was one of the earliest songs we learned to play in our band, so it still holds a special place in my heart. I will never forget our bass player bellowing this song over and over again as we practiced in his parent’s RV turned studio. What a time to be alive.
What have you got?
Now is the time to ask you to share some of your favorite blues songs with me and let’s grow the Blue Wednesday playlist together! So, what have you got?
Thank you all for reading and supporting Blue Wednesday with your likes, shares and comments. I truly appreciate each and every one of my subscribers. May God keep your coffee black and your music blue.
Howlin Wolf
Smokestack Lighting
I actually sorta kinda (co)wrote a blues song once. I had nothing to do with the tune, but the words are all mine. The story and the song are here: