Before I get to my songs, I went to add Honeysuckle Blue to my personal blues playlist on Amazon, and it seems that Isbell did a cover of that song with his band. I just thought you'd want to know!

Now, with that out of the way: I briefly became obsessed with the Civil Wars a few years ago, and, coincidentally enough, it was this swampy blues stompin' song that got me into them:


I know we've already got plenty of John Mayer on the list (and we might even have this one already, though I didn't see it), but this excellent song is perfect for the beginning of spring:


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Both of these are a little more jazz than they are blues, but I feel like they can fit the genre.

Save My Soul by Big Voodoo Daddy: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n6RzABcEwp8&pp=ygUhc2F2ZSBteSBzb3VsIGJpZyBiYWQgdm9vZG9vIGRhZGR5

And What a Wonderful World sung by Louis Armstrong: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rBrd_3VMC3c&pp=ygUWd2hhdCBhIHdvbmRlcmZ1bCB3b3JsZA%3D%3D

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I forgot how much I LOVE Honeysuckle Blues!! What a great tune! And sorry for being a day late but I wanted to contribute!

Been meaning to share this one for a while now. “Value” by John Splithoff. The solo at the end is what brings in some blues influence and I think it works great. Plus it’s just a really good tune.


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