Such great songs man!

Here is my song for the week. By My Side-Emoni Wilkins. Maybe more Gospel music than blues but I hear blues in it for sure.


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My wife and I are currently watching the show Nashville on Amazon. All the songs on the show are written by country artists and performed by the cast, and this is one of the best (and most bluesy):


And, keeping with the showbiz theme, this song (one of my favorite covers) serves as the tune to the opening scenes of the movie RocknRolla:


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Feb 21·edited Feb 21Liked by Derek Petty

That old John Mayer was truly a blast from the past..!!!

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But time is all you seemingly have until you wake up to your real situation!

You are something like, or nothing more than a ballon caught between an indefinable Bright Shining Reality at one end of the room and a fathomless, cold, dark, terrifying "something" at the other end.

A tenuous balance - and no way to survive anyway. You only have that brief instant between the two holes to get it. Until the balloon pops, you have just that much opportunity. So that means life is a very serious business.

That dark terrifying "something" is what controls, and, in some sense, even owns your life. it is profound, and terrible, and great, and beautiful too - all these things.

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Hey Derek, I missed the last 2 Wednesdays (much to my regret) but I couldn’t wait till next week for this one. It’s amazing how blues can have a great impact with one guy and a harmonica or an orchestra. Here’s Joe with orchestra: https://youtu.be/LwjWsf4-Lms?si=TFg25Q-ZhQKHbdFg

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